Customized Landscape Maintenance
Unlike most features of your property, your landscape is a living thing and must be looked after and maintained in order to flourish. Improper pruning and weak, distressed plants invite insects and diseases which can cause unsightly and costly damage to your landscaping. Knowing how and when to prune is an important part of protecting the investment you have made in your landscaping.
We have a special interest in plant health and stay up to date on insects, diseases, weeds and cultural practices that may affect your landscape which, in turn, protects your investment. Our IPM (Integrated Pest Management) based Plant Health Care includes customized maintenance programs and pest monitoring.
Carriage House Landscape Design offers two maintenance programs. First, if you are a Do-It-Yourselfer, after inventorying the plants on your property, we provide a Customized Care Schedule which will enable you to care for your property yourself at the correct times. We'll even come to your home to teach you how.
The second option is the Continuous Care Plan. Your property is inventoried and the customized plan is carried out by Carriage House Landscape Design’s team of professionals at the proper times.
Please contact us for more information.

“The yard looks better than it has in several years. Thank you for your hard work and expertise.” – Jean K., Bethlehem